Isaiah's Messianic Hope
$ 75.00
Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Instructor
Of all the prophets, Isaiah reveals the most about the future Messiah and shows how Yeshua clearly fulfilled these predictions. This course will provide an overview of the prophecies in the "Book of Immanuel" (Isaiah 7-12) and the four "Servant Songs" (Isaiah 42, 49, 50, 53).
Approx. 8 hours of teaching on 4 DVDs or Online Streaming. (2012)
Dr. Michael Rydelnik is Professor of Jewish Studies at the Moody Bible Institutde. The son of Holocaust survivors, he was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home in Brooklyn, New York. Michael became a follower of Yeshua the Messiah in high school and has been ministering to the Jewish community ever since. He can be heard regularly in the morning on Moody Broadcasting Network, giving news commentaries with a biblical perspective. Michael is the author of "Understanding the Arab Israeli Conflict" and "They Call Me Christ-Killer". He was the founding congregational leader of the Olive Tree Congregation in Long Island, New York and served for ten years with Chosen People Ministries. Michael graduated with a diploma in Jewish Studies from the Moody Bible Institute, earned his bachelors degree from Azusa Pacific University, his Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He, his wife, Eva and two grown sons, Zack and Seth, live in Chicago.